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A free tool that converts Adobe/Macromedia Flash files to XAML
Created by Michael Swanson


In my spare time, I've been working on a tool that converts Adobe/Macromedia Flash (.SWF) files to XAML. Unlike my Adobe Illustrator to XAML export plug-in that was implemented in native code, this tool is a fully managed code application (managed code rocks!). The current version of the tool allows you to directly open a SWF file and browse through its frames one by one. When you've found a frame that you like, you can either export a XAML file or copy the XAML to the clipboard for easy pasting into your tool of choice. The conversion isn't perfect, and there are many areas for improvement. For common cases, however, it should do the trick.

For a quick 11½ minute walk-through of SWF2XAML, watch this screencast. Or check out the 28 minute Channel 9 interview for a more in-depth look at what it took to build the tool.


To get the SWF2XAML tool up-and-running on your system, follow these steps:


The following table contains a list of features that are supported by the current version of the SWF2XAML tool or are planned for a future release. Where there are issues, I've tried to address them in the Comments column. If you'd like to see some visual illustrations, take a look at the Eye Candy.

Support Feature Comments
Yes  Frame by Frame Advance Use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the window to navigate frames in the SWF file. Because frames in a SWF file must be processed sequentially, later frames will need to calculate intermediate frames, so jumping forward may take some time.
The current version of the SWF2XAML tool does not cache prior frames (and that feature in Edit/Preferences is permanently disabled). So, when navigating backwards, the file will be re-calculated from the beginning. Depending on the file complexity, this may take some time.
Yes Explore Project Folder Choose File/Explore Project Folder to view the folder that contains any exported assets (like XAML files and bitmap images).
Yes XAML Export Choose File/Export... to export the current frame to a XAML file.
Yes Save Frame as Bitmap To save the current frame as a bitmap image (.PNG), choose File/Save Bitmap. The image will be named frame####.png where #### is replaced by the current frame number. The file will be saved to the subfolder identified in the application preferences.
Yes Launch XAML File Choose File/Launch XAML to automatically export the current frame to a XAML file and launch it in your default browser (normally Internet Explorer). 
Yes Launch Original SWF File Choose File/Launch Original to launch the current SWF file. If you have the Flash Player installed, this will open the player and begin the animation.
Yes Copy XAML to Clipboard Choose Edit/Copy XAML to copy the XAML for the current frame to the system clipboard.
Yes Copy ResourceDictionary Choose Edit/Copy ResourceDictionary to copy a XAML ResourceDictionary element that represents the shapes that have been defined up to the current frame. The XAML is copied to the system clipboard. Note that any shapes that are defined after the current frame will not be included (so, to include everything, first navigate to the last frame of the SWF file).
Yes Go To Specified Frame Choose Edit/Go To... and enter a frame number to jump to that frame. Because Flash files must be processed sequentially, all interim frames will also need to be calculated, so this may take some time.
Yes Preferences

Choose Edit/Preferences... to configure various aspects of the tool:

  • The Display tab contains settings that determine the opacity of the Onion Skin mode and the stroke color and fill opacity for Wireframe Mode.
  • The XAML tab contains settings to export to WPF/E-compliant XAML and to control its formatting.
  • The Files tab controls where the various file types are saved on your system. By default, each SWF file will have its own subfolder created.
  • The Advanced tab contains settings that control how the tool caches various assets. Although caching of assets can improve performance, there may be a significant memory cost involved.
Yes Stage Clipping Choose View/Clip Stage to toggle clipping of the frame on and off. Often times, frames in a Flash file contain elements that can't be seen with clipping turned on.
Yes File Information Choose View/File Information to enable the File Information pane. This pane displays information about the SWF file, including: file name, file signature, version, file length, frame width, frame height, frame rate (in fps), and the total frame count.
Yes Display List Choose View/Display List to enable the Display List pane. Think of the Display List as a stack of layers that make-up the current scene. You can use the checkboxes to selectively hide/unhide elements until the frame content looks the way you'd like. Note that not all checkboxes will change the visual display (only Shapes, MorphShapes, Sprites, Buttons, and Text).
Yes Advance Sprite Frames Many Flash files contains movie clips (or Sprites) that are sub-elements that have their own animation frames. Although these animations will automatically progress with each frame in the main scene, choosing View/Advance Sprites will manually advance each sprite in the scene by a single frame.
If you run across a single frame Flash file and it doesn't appear to animate properly, it may be because you need to manually advance the sprites in the scene.
Yes Wireframe Mode Choose View/Wireframe Mode to display the outlines of the elements in each frame. The wireframe stroke color and fill opacity can be configured under Edit/Preferences. Note that XAML exported or copied to the clipboard in this mode will represent the wireframe version of the frame (i.e. what you see).
Yes Onion Skin Mode Choose View/Onion Skin Mode to toggle opacity of the entire tool window. When Onion Skin Mode is enabled, the tool window becomes semi-transparent so that it can be moved over the top of a comparison window (like the Flash Player). This is useful to visually compare the converted geometry. The opacity of the window can be configured under Edit/Preferences.
Yes Tag Statistics Choose View/Tag Statistics to view a table of the Flash tags that have been encountered up until the current frame in the current file. To get statistics for the entire SWF file, choose Edit/Go To... to jump to the last frame of the file, then view the tag statistics.
Yes View Original Size Choose View/Original Size to size the frame to the height and width that is specified in the Flash file. When using Onion Skin Mode, this makes it easier to do a visual comparison with the Flash Player.
Yes Shape Morphs Shapes that were authored to morph over a specific number of frames are supported in the conversion. This includes geometry, fills, strokes, gradients, matrix transformations, etc.
Yes Clipping Layers Layers in the Display List that are set to clip lower layers are supported. Although these layers don't have any visual strokes or fills, toggling these layers in the Display List pane will affect the display.
Yes Bitmaps All JPG, indexed color, and full color bitmap types are supported. Note that indexed color modes are simply converted to 32-bit RGBA PNG files (as are JPG files with an alpha layer, unique to Flash files).
Yes Color Transformations Simple color transformations (multiply and add) are supported per-layer in the Display List.
Yes/No Shape Fill Types 

All fill types are supported to varying degrees:

  • Solid fills are fully supported
  • Both radial and linear gradient fills are supported. However, the new radial gradient settings in later Flash versions are not supported.
  • Bitmap fills are supported, but non-repeating clipped fills currently have some issues.
Yes/No  Buttons Only the button "up" state is currently converted and displayed. Also, there is no interactivity. 
No Frame Blend Modes No current support for various frame blend modes that were introduced in later versions of Flash.
No Dynamic Text Although static glyph text is supported, there is currently no support for text that uses locally-installed fonts.
No ActionScript All ActionScript code is currently ignored. As such, no interactivity is converted. 
No Sound No sounds are currently exported or played; they are simply skipped.
No Video All video is skipped. 


Check out the WPF Tools and Controls page on my blog for more applications and utilities that help you work with WPF and XAML.


If you have feedback, comments, or questions regarding the functionality of the SWF2XAML tool, please contact me directly.
